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Profiles UI

Create your first Profiles project using RudderStack dashboard.

You can create a Profiles project via RudderStack dashboard. It generates outputs based on the pre-defined library projects. However, you can augment these outputs by downloading the Profiles project and updating it manually.

This guide lists the detailed steps to create a Profiles project in the RudderStack dashboard.

1. Create Profile

  1. Log in to the RudderStack dashboard.
  2. From the left navigation bar, navigate to Unify > Profiles and click Create profile.
  3. Enter the following details:

2. Name the profile

Profile nameEnter a unique name for your profile to help you identify it later.
DescriptionEnter a description for your profile.

Click Done to proceed.

3. Select a warehouse

Select the data warehouse you want to use and enter the relevant connection settings.

Click Verify Credentials > Next to move to the next step.


See the following guides for more information on the warehouse-specific connection settings:

4. Configure project

Choose one of the RudderStack’s predefined library projects to generate your Profiles project, or add your own project using a GitHub URL.

Choose predefined template

Click Configure > Done to move to the next step.

5. Set Schedule

Select the schedule type and click Done.

6. Review and create profile

Here, you will get a preview of what your data table looks like. Review and ensure its correctness and click Create to create the profile.

7. Add SSH Key to GIT Project (for non-library projects)

If you have added the project URL instead of selecting from a predefined list of library projects, then follow these steps to add a public SSH key to your GIT project:

  1. Open your profile’s GIT repository (on github.com) in your web browser and click the Settings tab.
  2. In the left side bar, select Deploy Keys, then click Add Deploy Key.
  3. Assign a name to it, for example, Sample Profiles Key, and paste the key generated by the RudderStack webapp. You need not check Allow write access.
  4. Click on Add Key.

Using git-tags instead of the latest commit on main branch of projects is recommended. For example, https://github.com/org-name/lib-name/tag/schema_{{best_schema_version}}.

The selection of compatible git tags is done by PB - it figures the best compatible version for the package. The tool uses the best compatible version of the project in case of any schema updates.

Download project

Once created, you can download the Profiles project locally by clicking Download this project.

Download Profiles project

The downloaded zipped project contains the pb_project.yaml and models/inputs.yaml files.

Profile details

To view the profile details, click View in the Profiles homepage:

OverviewLists the features of your Profiles project.
HistoryDisplays the history of Profile runs.
SettingsDisplays your profile settings. You can edit them by clicking the edit icon next to each section.
DeleteDeletes your Profiles project.

Note that:

  • It can take up to thirty minutes for the data preview to show up in your profile’s History tab.
  • If you keep getting a blank screen, it may be because you do not have sufficient access. Make sure you have a Connections Admin resource role with access to PII. In case the problem persists, contact RudderStack support.


When trying to fetch data for a lib project, then data/columns are shown as blank. What should I do?

You’ll need to sync data from a source to a destination. If data is synced from the source you are using and not from some pre-existing tables in the destination, the missing column/data issues should not occur.

I am not able to see Unify tab on the web app though I have admin privileges. What should I do?

Disable any adblockers on your web browser.

Questions? Contact us by email or on Slack