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Identity Stitching

Step-by-step tutorial on how to stitch together different user identities.

This guide provides a detailed walkthrough on how to use a PB project and create output tables in a warehouse for a custom identity stitching model.


  • Familiarize yourself with:

    • A basic Profile Builder project by following the Profile Builder CLI steps.
    • Structure of a Profile Builder project and the parameters used in different files.


After running the project, you can view the generated material tables:

A sample output containing the results in Snowflake:

Generated tables (Snowflake)
Profiles project includes an ID stitcher model (default_id_stitcher) by default even if you do not define any specs for creating one. It takes all the input sources and ID types defined in the file inputs.yaml file. Also, it creates a custom ID stitcher when you define an ID stitcher model explicitly along with the specs.

Sample project for Custom ID Stitcher

This sample project considers multiple user identifiers in different warehouse tables to ties them together to create a unified user profile. The following sections describe how to define your PB project files:

Project detail

The pb_project.yaml file defines the project details such as name, schema version, connection name and the entities which represent different identifiers.

There can be different ID types for an entity. You can include all such identifiers in the id_types field under entities. main_id specified under id_types is not an ID type but a placeholder for the column which serves as the primary identifier for that entity.

In case of id_stitcher model, the main_id for the entity is rudder_id (predefined ID type) by default. For other models, any other ID type can be the main_id, for example session_id. Hence, if you want to specify the ID type of a column as a primary identifier, you can specify main_id.

# Project name
name: sample_id_stitching
# Project's yaml schema version
schema_version: 67
# Warehouse connection
connection: test
# Folder containing models
  - models
# Entities in this project and their ids.
  - name: user
    id_stitcher: models/user_id_stitcher # modelRef of custom ID stitcher model
      - main_id # You need to add ``main_id`` to the list only if you have defined ``main_id_type: main_id`` in the id stitcher buildspec.
      - user_id # one of the identifier from your data source.
      - email
# lib packages can be imported in project signifying that this project inherits its properties from there
  - name: corelib
    url: "https://github.com/rudderlabs/profiles-corelib/tag/schema_{{best_schema_version}}"
    # if required then you can extend the package definition such as for ID types.


The input file (models/inputs.yaml) file includes the input table references and corresponding SQL for the above-mentioned entities:

- name: rsIdentifies
  contract: # constraints that a model adheres to
    is_optional: false
    is_event_stream: true
      - user
      - name: timestamp
      - name: user_id
      - name: anonymous_id
      - name: email
    table: rudder_events_production.web.identifies # one of the WH table RudderStack generates when processing identify or track events.
    occurred_at_col: timestamp
      - select: "user_id" # kind of identity sql to pick this column from above table.
        type: user_id
        entity: user # as defined in project file
        to_default_stitcher: true # default value
      - select: "anonymous_id"
        type: anonymous_id
        entity: user
        to_default_stitcher: true
      - select: "lower(email)" # can use sql.
        type: email
        entity: user
        to_default_stitcher: true
- name: rsTracks
    is_optional: false
    is_event_stream: true
      - user
      - name: timestamp
      - name: user_id
      - name: anonymous_id
    table: rudder_events_production.web.tracks # another table in WH maintained by RudderStack processing track events.
    occurred_at_col: timestamp
      - select: "user_id"
        type: user_id
        entity: user
        to_default_stitcher: true
      - select: "anonymous_id"
        type: anonymous_id
        entity: user
        to_default_stitcher: true

Columns specified under ids field are automatically sent for identity stitching unless you specify to_default_stitcher as false.


Profiles Identity stitching model maps and unifies all the specified identifiers (in pb_project.yaml file) across different platforms. It tracks the user journey uniquely across all the data sources and stitches them together to a rudder_id.

A sample profiles.yaml file specifying an identity stitching model (user_id_stitcher) with relevant inputs:

  - name: user_id_stitcher
    model_type: id_stitcher
      validity_time: 24h
      entity_key: user
        run_type: incremental # default value is `discrete` for a custom ID stitcher and `incremental` for the default ID stitcher.
      incremental_timedelta: 12h
      main_id_type: main_id
        - from: inputs/rsIdentifies
        - from: inputs/rsTracks
Model specification fields
FieldData typeDescription
validity_timeTimeSpecifies the validity of the model with respect to its timestamp. For example, a model run as part of a scheduled nightly job for 2009-10-23 00:00:00 UTC with validity_time: 24h would still be considered potentially valid and usable for any run requests, which do not require precise timestamps between 2009-10-23 00:00:00 UTC and 2009-10-24 00:00:00 UTC. This specifies the validity of generated feature table. Once the validity is expired, scheduling takes care of generating new tables. For example: 24h for 24 hours, 30m for 30 minutes, 3d for 3 days
entity_keyStringSpecifies the relevant entity from your input.yaml file. For example, here it should be set to user.
materializationListAdds the key run_type: incremental to run the project in incremental mode. This mode considers row inserts and updates from the edge_sources input. These are inferred by checking the timestamp column for the next run. One can provide buffer time to consider any lag in data in the warehouse for the next incremental run like if new rows are added during the time of its run. If you do not specify this key then it’ll default to run_type: discrete.
incremental_timedeltaList(Optional )If materialization key is set to run_type: incremental, then this field sets how far back data should be fetched prior to the previous material for a model (to handle data lag, for example). The default value is 4 days.
main_id_typeProjectRef(Optional) ID type reserved for the output of the identity stitching model, often set to main_id. It must not be used in any of the inputs and must be listed as an id type for the entity being stitched. If you do not set it, it defaults to rudder_id. Do not add this key unless it’s explicitly required, like if you want your identity stitcher table’s main_id column to be called main_id. For more information, see below.
edge_sourcesListSpecifies inputs for the identity stitching model as mentioned in the inputs.yaml file.

Use cases

This section describes some common identity stitching use cases:

  • Identifiers from multiple data sources: You can consider multiple identifiers and tables by:

    • Adding entities in pb_project.yaml representing identifiers.
    • Adding references to table and corresponding sql in models/inputs.yaml
    • Adding table reference names defined in models/inputs.yaml as edge_sources in your model definition.
  • Leverage Sql Support: You can use SQL in your models/inputs.yaml to achieve different scenarios. For example, you want to tag all the internal users in your organization as one entity. You can use the email domain as the identifier by adding a SQL query to extract the email domain as the identifier value: lower(split_part({{email_col}}, '@', 2))

  • Custom ID Stitcher: You can define a custom ID stitcher by defining the required id stitching model in models/profiles.yaml.

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