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SQL Models

Step-by-step tutorial on how to create a SQL Template model.

This guide provides a detailed walkthrough on how to use a PB project and create SQL Template models using custom SQL queries.

Why use SQL models?

You can use the custom SQL models to achieve the advanced use cases. For example, you can use a model that performs some intermediary transformations, joins, or unions on some data before feeding it to the ID stitcher or feature creation models. This model can then act as an input to the downstream models.

You can also configure the custom SQL models to produce features which are further used by the feature view model. However, you must ensure that the output of SQL model contains single row for each entity-item in that case.

Use cases

Example 1

Let’s assume that your company has an iOS app as well as a website. Within your data plane, you have both the sources feeding data via the native SDKs to your database. Further, Profiles takes that data as an input to generate profiles.

You want to create a first_seen feature so that you know the timestamp when each user was first seen. You could select an input and do a min(timestamp) function in the entity_var definition.

However, to be truly accurate, you need to take into account the timestamp for both the app and the website. Did a user first download the app and later visited the website? Or did a visit to the website lead to the download of app? Where were they truly seen first? This is where a SQL model should be used.

The solution would be to union the PAGE and TRACKS tables together into a new model. Then, use that model as the entity_var data input. Now, when the first_seen feature is calculated, it will take into account both the data sources where the user would have been discovered.

A sample SQL model is shown below:

  - name: rsTracksUnionPages
    model_type: sql_template
      validity_time: 24h # 1 day
        output_type: ephemeral
        run_type: discrete
      single_sql: |
        {% with Tracks = this.DeRef("models/rsTracks") Pages = this.DeRef("models/rsPages") %}
            select user_id, anonymous_id, context_session_id, timestamp from (
            select ANONYMOUS_ID::text as ANONYMOUS_ID,USER_ID::text as USER_ID,timestamp::date as dt,CONTEXT_SESSION_ID,min(timestamp) as timestamp from {{Tracks}} group by user_id, anonymous_id, context_session_id, timestamp::date
            union all
            select ANONYMOUS_ID::text as ANONYMOUS_ID,USER_ID::text as USER_ID,timestamp::date as dt,CONTEXT_SESSION_ID,max(timestamp) as timestamp from {{Tracks}} group by user_id, anonymous_id, context_session_id, timestamp::date)
            union all
            select user_id, anonymous_id, context_session_id, timestamp from
            (select ANONYMOUS_ID::text as ANONYMOUS_ID,USER_ID::text as USER_ID,timestamp::date as dt,CONTEXT_SESSION_ID, min(timestamp) as timestamp from {{Pages}} group by user_id, anonymous_id, context_session_id, timestamp::date
            union all
            select ANONYMOUS_ID::text as ANONYMOUS_ID,USER_ID::text as USER_ID,timestamp::date as dt,CONTEXT_SESSION_ID,  max(timestamp) as timestamp from {{Pages}} group by user_id, anonymous_id, context_session_id, timestamp::date)
        {% endwith %}        
        - select: "user_id"
          type: user_id
          entity: ce_user
        - select: "anonymous_id"
          type: anonymous_id
          entity: ce_user
        is_optional: false
        is_event_stream: false
          - ce_user
          - name: user_id
          - name: anonymous_id

Example 2

Consider that you have an online retail B2C company that has a Shopify store. Now, you want to create a suite of features based off of customer’s carts for things like, most_recent_cart_items, most_recent_purchase, total_gross_sales, etc.

RudderStack provides a custom tracks table for an ORDER_COMPLETED event. However, the cart items property is a nested array of json objects in string format. This is not compatible for feature calculations. Additionally, depending on the features, the data level that the source table is on might also be incompatible. The source table is on the order level but you may need this on the line item level.

The solution is to create a SQL model to take the original input, and transform it into the format compatible for downstream feature calculations. In this case, you need to cast the products object as JSON and flatten it. The output table will be a line item table where each order ID may be duplicated if there is more than one line item purchased.

A sample SQL model is shown below:

  - name: cart_line_items
    model_type: sql_template
      validity_time: 24h # 1 day
        output_type: table
        run_type: discrete
      single_sql: |
        {% with CartUpdate = this.DeRef("inputs/CART_UPDATE") %}
        SELECT to_char(t.value['brand']) AS brand,
            t.value['discounted_price'] AS discounted_price,
            to_char(t.value['gift_card']) AS gift_card,
            t.value['grams'] AS grams,
            to_char(t.value['id']) AS id,
            to_char(t.value['key']) AS KEY,
            t.value['line_price'] AS line_price,
            t.value['original_line_price'] AS original_line_price,
            t.value['original_price'] AS original_price,
            t.value['price'] AS price,
            to_char(t.value['product_id']) AS product_id,
            to_char(t.value['properties']) AS properties,
            t.value['quantity'] AS quantity,
            to_char(t.value['sku']) AS sku,
            to_char(t.value['taxable']) AS taxable,
            to_char(t.value['title']) AS title,
            t.value['total_discount'] AS total_discount,
            to_char(t.value['variant']) AS _VARIANT_,
        (SELECT *
            (SELECT *,
                    row_number() over(PARTITION BY anonymous_id, token
                                                ORDER BY timestamp DESC) AS rn
            FROM {{CartUpdate}} where products is not null)
        WHERE rn = 1), table(flatten(parse_json(products))) t
                {% endwith %}        
        - select: "anonymous_id"
          type: anonymous_id
          entity: shopify_customer
        is_optional: false
        is_event_stream: false
          - shopify_customer
          - name: anonymous_id


  • Familiarize yourself with:

    • A basic Profile Builder project by following the Profile Builder CLI steps.
    • Structure of a Profile Builder project and the parameters used in different files.

Sample project

The following sections describe how to define your PB project files:

Project detail

The pb_project.yaml file defines the project details such as name, schema version, connection name and the entities which represent different identifiers.

You can define all the identifiers from different input sources you want to stitch together as a single ID (main_id in this example):

name: sample_test
schema_version: 71
connection: test
  - models
  - name: user
    id_stitcher: models/test_id__
      - test_id
      - exclude_id
  - name: test_id
      - type: include
        regex: "([0-9a-z])*"
      - type: exclude
        value: ""
  - name: exclude_id


The input file (models/inputs.yaml) file includes the input table references and corresponding SQL for the above-mentioned entities:

  - name: tbl_a
      table: Temp_tbl_a
    occurred_at_col: insert_ts
      - select: TRIM(COALESCE(NULL, id1))
        type: test_id
        entity: user
        to_default_stitcher: true
      - select: "id2"
        type: test_id
        entity: user
        to_default_stitcher: true
      - select: "id3"
        type: exclude_id
        entity: user
        to_default_stitcher: true
  - name: tbl_b
      view: Temp_view_b
    occurred_at_col: timestamp
      - select: "id1"
        type: test_id
        entity: user
        to_default_stitcher: true
      - select: "id2"
        type: test_id
        entity: user
        to_default_stitcher: true
      - select: "id3"
        type: test_id
        entity: user
        to_default_stitcher: true
  - name: tbl_c
      table: Temp_tbl_c
      - select: "id1"
        type: test_id
        entity: user
        to_default_stitcher: true
      - select: "id2"
        type: test_id
        entity: user
        to_default_stitcher: true


Profiles SQL model lets you write custom SQL queries to achieve advanced use-cases to create desired output tables.

A sample profiles.yaml file specifying a single_sql type SQL model:

- name: test_sql
  model_type: sql_template
    validity_time: 24h# 1 day
    materialization:                 // optional
      run_type: discrete             // optional [discrete, incremental]
    single_sql: |
        {%- with input1 = this.DeRef("inputs/tbl_a") -%}
              id1 AS new_id1, 
              id2 AS new_id2, 
          FROM {{input1}}
        {%- endwith -%}        
    occurred_at_col: insert_ts        // optional
      - select: "new_id1"
        type: test_id
        entity: user
        to_default_stitcher: true
      - select: "new_id2"
        type: test_id
        entity: user
        to_default_stitcher: true
      - select: "id3"
        type: test_id
        entity: user
        to_default_stitcher: true

A sample profiles.yaml file specifying a multi_sql type SQL model:

- name: test_sql
    model_type: sql_template
      validity_time: 24h # 1 day
        output_type: table
        run_type: discrete
      multi_sql: |
        {% with input_material1 = this.DeRef("models/test_sql1") input_material2 = this.DeRef("inputs/tbl_a") input_material3 = this.DeRef("inputs/tbl_c") %}
          create {{this.GetMaterialization().OutputType.ToSql()}} {{this}} as (
            select b.id1, b.id2, b.id3, b.insert_ts, a.new_id1, a.num_a, c.num_b, c.num_c
            from {{ input_material1 }} a
            full outer join {{ input_material2 }} b
            on a.id2 = b.id2
            full outer join {{ input_material3 }} c
            on c.id2 = a.id2
        {% endwith  %}        
A multi_sql type SQL model only creates a table as an output type in a warehouse whereas single_sql type SQL model supports all the output types (deafult is ephemeral). See materialization for more information.
Model specification fields
FieldData typeDescription
nameStringName of the SQL model. You can also refer this as an input as models/test_sql.
model_typeStringDefines the type of model.
model_specObjectContains the specifications for the target model.
validity_timeTimeTime Specifies the validity of the model with respect to its timestamp. For example, a model run as part of a scheduled nightly job for 2009-10-23 00:00:00 UTC with validity_time: 24h would still be considered potentially valid and usable for any run requests, which do not require precise timestamps between 2009-10-23 00:00:00 UTC and 2009-10-24 00:00:00 UTC. This specifies the validity of generated feature table. Once the validity is expired, scheduling takes care of generating new tables. For example: 24h for 24 hours, 30m for 30 minutes, 3d for 3 days.
materializationListAdds the key run_type: incremental to run the project in incremental mode. This mode considers row inserts and updates from the edge_sources input. These are inferred by checking the timestamp column for the next run. One can provide buffer time to consider any lag in data in the warehouse for the next incremental run like if new rows are added during the time of its run. If you do not specify this key then it’ll default to run_type: discrete.
single_sqlListSpecifies the SQL template which must evaluate to a single SELECT SQL statement. After execution, it should produce a dataset which will materialize based on the provided materialization.
multi-sqlListSpecifies the SQL template which can evaluate to multiple SQL statements. One of these SQL statements (typically the last one) must be a CREATE statement which shall be responsible for materializing the model into a table.

Note: You should set only one of single_sql or multi_sql.
occurred_at_colListName of the column which contains the timestamp value in the output of SQL template.
idsListSpecifies the list of all IDs present in the source table along with their column names (or column SQL expressions). It is required in case you want to use SQL models as an input to the input_var or entity_var fields.

SQL template

You can pass custom SQL queries to the single_sql or multi_sql fields, which is also known as a SQL template. It provides the flexibility to write custom SQL by refering to any of the input sources listed in the inputs.yaml or any model listed in models/profiles.yaml.

The SQL templates follow a set query syntax which serves the purpose of creating a model. Follow the below rules to write SQL templates:

  • Write SQL templates in the pongo2 template engine syntax.
  • Avoid circular referencing while referencing the models. For example, sql_model_a references sql_model_b and sql_model_b references sql_model_a.
  • Use timestamp variable (refers to the start time of the current run) to filter new events.
  • this refers to the current model’s material. You can use the following methods to access the material properties available for this:
    • DeRef("path/to/model"): Use this syntax {{ this.DeRef("path/to/model") }} to refer to any model and return a database object corresponding to that model. The database object, in return, gives the actual name of the table/view in the warehouse. Then, generate the output, for example:
{% with input_table = this.DeRef("inputs/tbl_a") %}
        t.a AS new_a,
        t.b AS new_b,
    FROM {{input_table}} AS t
{% endwith %}
  • GetMaterialization(): Returns a structure with two fields: MaterializationSpec{OutputType, RunType}.
    • OutputType: You must use OutputType with ToSQL() method:
      For example, CREATE OR REPLACE {{this.GetMaterialization().OutputType.ToSQL()}} {{this.GetSelectTargetSQL()}} AS ...
    • RunType: For example, this.GetMaterialization().RunType

Refer SQL contents from another file

If you want to edit a SQL query in a text editor and not as a field in a YAML file, you can use the ReadFile method. It refers to the SQL contents stored in another file:

- name: example_sql_model
  model_type: sql_template
    validity_time: 24h # 1 day
      output_type: view
      run_type: discrete
    single_sql: "{{this.ReadFile('models/compute.sql')}}" # for a SQL file named compute.sql in the models folder
    occurred_at_col: insert_ts

See Also

Create user features using SQL models:

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