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Feature Views

Learn about feature views in Profiles.

This guide introduces you to the concept of feature views in Profiles and shows how to use them in your Profiles project.


Profiles adds a unique ID when you create a Customer360 (C360) table. But for most activation use cases, you need to use a specific ID from your data warehouse, like user_name, email, or anonymous ID. You can achieve this using SQL, the ID graph table, and the C360 table, but it is complicated and can be difficult to maintain.

Profiles can create these pivots automatically with feature views. They include the same entity_vars as the C360 table but with the chosen ID as the primary key.

SQL Keyword: VIEW


  • entity_vars where is_feature is set to true.
  • View primary ID is included in ID graph.


Feature views (feature_views) are in the pb_project.yaml file within the entities block, as shown:

name: llm_sdr_email_content_generation
schema_version: 85
connection: llm-recommend-dev
  - models
  - name: user
    id_stitcher: models/user_id_stitcher
      - user_id
      - anonymous_id**
        - id: anonymous_id
          name: anonymous_id_360
  - name: user_id
  - name: anonymous_id
    filters:                      # Optional
      - type: exclude
        value: ""
python_requirements:              # Optional
  - profiles_mlcorelib==0.4.1

Best practices

  • Profiles automatically creates a feature view where the main_id is the primary key, called {entity_name}_feature_view. It is a best practice to create another feature view using a desired ID type as the primary key for data activation.
  • All features will be included in all feature views for an entity, unless you set is_feature to false for a specific entity_var.
  • Feature views are defined in pb_project.yaml for the user/all cohort. For individual cohorts, they are defined in the cohort definition in profiles.yaml.
  • Cohorts inherit the features from their parent, so you do not need to define them at the cohort level.

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