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Site Configuration File

Understand the site configuration file specifications.

RudderStack creates a site configuration file (~/.pb/siteconfig.yaml) while creating a warehouse connection.

This guide walks you through the site configuration file spec in detail.


The site configuration file (~/.pb/siteconfig.yaml) contains the following details including secrets (if any):

  • Warehouse connection details and its credentials.

  • Git repository connection credentials (if any). Follow these steps to add the credentials:

    1. Generate the SSH Key.
    2. Associate the SSH key to your Git project.
    3. Add private key as credentials in the siteconfig.yaml file under key field in the gitcreds field.
You can store the details for multiple warehouse connections in the same site configuration file. This is helpful in cases where you have multiple Profiles projects with different warehouse connections.


A sample site configuration file containing multiple warehouse connection details is shown below:

  # connection name
      target: dev
              account: inb828.us-west-3
              dbname: MAT_STORE_DEV
              password: password_dev
              role: PROFILES_ROLE_DEV
              schema: AB_SCHEMA_DEV
              type: snowflake
              user: profiles_demo
              warehouse: DEV_WAREHOUSE
              account: inc654.us-west-3
              dbname: MAT_STORE
              password: password
              role: PROFILES_ROLE
              schema: AB_SCHEMA
              type: snowflake
              user: profiles_demo
              warehouse: PROD_WAREHOUSE
      target: test
              access_token: dabasihasdho
              catalog: rs_dev
              host: adb-98.18.azuredatabricks.net
              http_endpoint: /sql/1.0/warehouses/919uasdn92h
              port: 443
              schema: rs_profiles
              type: databricks
              user: johndoe@abc.onmicrosoft.com
              account: uk12.us-west-1
              dbname: RUDDERSTACK_DB
              password: password
              role: RS_ROLE
              schema: RS_PROFILES
              type: snowflake
              user: johndoe
              warehouse: RS_WAREHOUSE
          snowflake-keypair: # example of an unencrypted Snowflake key-pair
              type: snowflake
              account: vb8.us-east-1
              dbname: PROD_DB
              role: PROFILES_ROLE
              warehouse: RUDDER
              schema: RS_PROFILES
              user: PROFILES_USER_UNC
              useKeyPairAuth: true
              privateKey: -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- ..keyvalue.. -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
          snowflake-encrypted-keypair: # example of an encrypted Snowflake key-pair
              type: snowflake
              account: vb8.us-east-1
              dbname: PROD_DB
              role: PROFILES_ROLE
              warehouse: RUDDER
              schema: RS_PROFILES
              user: PROFILES_USER_EC
              useKeyPairAuth: true
              privateKey: -----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY----- ..keyvalue.. -----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----
              privateKeyPassphrase: valuegoeshere!
              dbname: warehouse_rs
              host: warehouse.abc.us-east-3.redshift.amazonaws.com
              password: password
              port: 5419
              schema: rs_profiles
              type: redshift
              user: redshift_user
              workgroup_name: warehouse_workgroup
              region: us-east-1
              driver: v2
              sslmode: require
              dbname: warehouse_rs
              schema: rs_profiles
              type: redshift
              access_key_id: ******************
              secret_access_key: ******************************
                auth_provider_x509_cert_url: https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs
                auth_uri: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth
                client_email: johndoe@big-query-integration-poc.iam.gserviceaccount.com
                client_id: "123345678909872"
                client_x509_cert_url: https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/johndoe%40big-query-integration-poc.iam.gserviceaccount.com
                private_key: |
                    -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----                    
                   ## private key
                    -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
                private_key_id: 5271368bhjbd72y278222e233w23e231e
              project_id: big-query-integration-poc
                token_uri: https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token
                type: service_account
                project_id: rs_profiles
              schema: rs_profiles
              type: bigquery
              user: johndoe@big-query-integration-poc.iam.gserviceaccount.com
 - reporegex: "git@github.com:REPO_OWNER/*" # in case of ssh url
   key: |
       -----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----       
 - reporegex: "https://github.com/rudderlabs/*" # https url
     username: oauth2
     password: ... # your Personal Access Token with read permission
  - type: minio # type Minio
    bucket: test
    endpoint: https://localhost:9000/
    access_key_id: access_key_id
    secret_access_key: secret_access_key
  - type: s3 # S3 credentials with access key
    bucket: shubham # Optional; use creds for this bucket
    region: us-east-1
    access_key_id: access_key_id
    secret_access_key: secret_access_key
    session_token: session_token
  - type: s3 # S3 credentials with ARN
    bucket: shopify
    region: us-east-1
    secrets_arn: secrets_arn
  - type: s3 # S3 credentials with shared profile
    bucket: shopify
    region: us-east-1
    shared_profile: shared_profile
    enabled: true # in case you are using Python models in your project, else set it to false
    python_path: /opt/anaconda3/bin/python # the path where Python is installed (run `which python` to get the full path). If `py_models` is not enabled, set it to `""`. For Windows, you may pass the path value as: python.exe
    credentials_presets: null
    allowed_git_urls_regex: ""
cache_dir: /Users/YOURNAME/.pb/WhtGitCache/ # For Windows, the directory path will have forward slash (\)
filepath: /Users/YOURNAME/.pb/siteconfig.yaml # For Windows, the file path will have forward slash (\)

RudderStack recommends defining two target within a single connection- one for dev/staging and the other for production.

For example, see the connection named prod-db-profile in the sample file above. The default target is set to dev, as specified by the target key. To change the output to production, you can run pb run -t prod.

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