Event Metrics

Get detailed metrics on event ingestion, delivery, and transformation.

RudderStack gives you observability into events at various stages of the pipeline, specifically at:

  • Event ingestion (Source)
  • Transformation, and
  • Event delivery (Destination)

This guide walks you through the different event metrics in detail.

The event metrics covered in this guide may not reflect real-time events due to reporting latency.

Source events

Click the Events tab in your source page to view detailed metrics for the ingested events along with their details.

Events tab for sources in RudderStack dashboard

Events ingested

This section gives you observability into the following metrics:

  • Total events ingested by the source.

  • If you have a tracking plan connected to the source, then you will also see the below details:

    • Number of events validated by the tracking plan.
    • Number of events containing tracking plan violations.
    • Number of events dropped as a result of these violations.

You can filter these metrics for the past 2 hours, 1 day, 7 days, and 30 days. Note that the filtering window is set to 2 hours by default.

Event filtering window options

RudderStack also provides an event flow graph that highlights the event ingestion and processing trends over the selected time period.

Event flow details

Event details

This section gives you details on the ingested events and violations arising due to non-compliance with the connected tracking plan.

You can search for specific event names or sort all events by type, name, count, and last occurred.

Event details section

You will see the following details under the Events tab:

Column nameDescription
Event typeType of event, for example, identify, track, etc.
Event nameName of the event in case the type is track.
CountNumber of events received in the selected time period.
Last seenTime since the event last occurred.

You will see the following details under the Violations tab:

Column nameDescription
Event nameName of the event in case the type is track.
Event typeType of event, for example, identify, track, etc.
Events validatedNumber of events validated against the connected tracking plan.
Events with violationsNumber of events containing any tracking plan violations.
Events droppedNumber of events dropped as a result of violations.
Last seenTime since the event that caused the violation last occurred.

Destination events

Click the Events tab in your destination page to view detailed metrics for the events sent to the destination along with their details.

Events tab for destinations in RudderStack dashboard

Events delivery

This section gives you a high-level overview of the following:

  • Total events delivered to the destination.
  • Number of events that failed to deliver and the failure rate.
  • P95 latency, that is, the maximum latency experienced by 95% of the events to reach the destination.

You can filter these metrics by source and time period (past 2 hours, 1 day, 7 days, or 30 days). By default, the time period is set to 2 hours for cloud destinations and 1 day for warehouse destinations.

Event filtering window options

RudderStack also provides a detailed events trend that highlights how it delivered the events to the destination over the selected time period. Note that the graph only shows events sent in cloud mode - it does not include the metrics from device mode and hybrid mode connections.

Event trends for destination

Switch to the Latency tab to view the P95 latency trends over that time period.


Note that:

  • The P95 latency feature is currently in beta and available only to select customers.
  • It is applicable only for Event Stream connections, that is, destination connected to Event Stream sources.
Latency trends for destination

Delivery failures

This section gives you visibility into the errors that caused delivery failures. You will see the following details:

Column nameDescription
ErrorsError that caused the delivery failures.
CountNumber of events that failed because of the error.
Last seenTime since the event that caused this error last occurred.
Delivery failure details

Click Details to see the sample invalid records that caused the error. You can also click on an event to see the full error and the payload:

Delivery failures error details
If you are on the Enterprise plan, make sure your PII access is not limited. Otherwise, you may not be able to see the event payload.

Transformation events

Click the Events tab in your transformation page to view detailed metrics for the events processed by the transformation. You will see the following details:

  • Total events ingested for transformation.
  • Number of events dropped intentionally by the transformation (because of the transformation’s logic). For example, if your transformation allowlists only track events with the name Product Purchased, any event that does not meet this criteria is dropped.
  • Number of events dropped due to transformation errors.
  • Number of events successfully transformed and forwarded for further processing.

You can filter these metrics by source, destination, and time period (past 2 hours, 1 day, 7 days, or 30 days). Note that the filtering window is set to 2 hours by default.

Events tab for transformations in RudderStack dashboard

Event flow

RudderStack also provides a detailed event flow graph that highlights how it transformed the events over the selected time period.

Event trends for transformation

Transformation errors

This section gives you visibility into the transformation errors. You will see the following details:

Column nameDescription
Event typeType of event, for example, identify, track, etc.
Event nameName of the event in case the type is track.
SourceSource from where the event was ingested.
DestinationDestination where the transformed event was to be forwarded.
Event countNumber of events dropped due to tranformation error.
Last seenTime since the event that caused the transformation error last occurred.
Status codeHTTP status code of the tranformation error.
Transformation errors

Click Details to see the error description and the payload that caused the error:

Transformation error details
If you are on the Enterprise plan, make sure your PII access is not limited. Otherwise, you may not be able to see the event payload.

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