OneTrust Consent Management for Android

Integrate the RudderStack Android SDK with OneTrust.

The RudderStack Android SDK lets you specify the user’s consent during initialization.

This guide lists the steps to develop a consent interceptor for the Android SDK and use the interceptor to initialize the SDK after the user gives their consent.


The consent management is designed to be a filter for the event destinations and the natively added factories. Since the SDK initializes the native integration factories during the startup, you must first capture the user’s consent to the cookie categories.

You can add only one consent filter to the Android SDK.

For filtering, RudderStack uses the getConsentStatusForGroupId method of the OneTrust SDK.

This setup assumes the Android SDK and the OneTrust SDK are already added to your application.

  1. Add OneTrust Consent Filter to your build.gradle (module level).
dependencies {
    // add other dependencies
    implementation 'com.onetrust.cmp:native-sdk:202301.2.0.0'
    implementation ('')
    implementation ('')
  1. Move the RudderStack initialization consent callback. The following snippet shows a sample application file highlighting the initialization:
class CustomApplication : Application() {
    var _rudderClient: RudderClient? = null;
    val rudderClient
        get() = _rudderClient
    private val oneTrustEventListener = object : OTEventListener() {
        override fun onShowBanner(p0: OTUIDisplayReason?) {
        override fun onHideBanner() {
        override fun onBannerClickedAcceptAll() {
        override fun onBannerClickedRejectAll() {
        override fun onShowPreferenceCenter(p0: OTUIDisplayReason?) {
        override fun onHidePreferenceCenter() {
        override fun onPreferenceCenterAcceptAll() {
        override fun onPreferenceCenterRejectAll() {
        override fun onPreferenceCenterConfirmChoices() {
        override fun onShowVendorList() {}
        override fun onHideVendorList() {}
        override fun onVendorConfirmChoices() {
        override fun allSDKViewsDismissed(p0: String?) {}
        override fun onVendorListVendorConsentChanged(p0: String?, p1: Int) {
        override fun onVendorListVendorLegitimateInterestChanged(p0: String?, p1: Int) {}
        override fun onPreferenceCenterPurposeConsentChanged(p0: String?, p1: Int) {
        override fun onPreferenceCenterPurposeLegitimateInterestChanged(p0: String?, p1: Int) {}
    internal val otPublishersHeadlessSDK by lazy { OTPublishersHeadlessSDK(this) }
    override fun onCreate() {
    internal fun setupOneTrust() {
		// set up one trust,
        // uncomment the following line and pass the credentials
		// otPublishersHeadlessSDK.startSDK()
    private fun createRudderClientWithOneTrust() {
        _rudderClient = RudderClient.getInstance(
    private val otSdkParams
        get() = OTSdkParams.SdkParamsBuilder.newInstance()
  1. Create a new Android library project.
  2. Add the following to the dependencies section in the module-level build.gradle file:
dependencies {
	   // add other dependencies
    compileOnly ''
  1. Create a class to implement RudderConsentFilterWithCloudIntegration:
public final class MyConsentFilter implements RudderConsentFilterWithCloudIntegration {
	public Map<String, Boolean> getConsentCategoriesMap() {
		// return the category id to consent map.
		// The map should have the category id as key and true if consented,
		// false otherwise
		// Rudderstack SDK will filter out the destinations corresponding to
		// categories that are not consented.
  1. Attach MyConsentFilter to the RudderStack Android SDK similar to the OneTrust consent filter:
_rudderClient = RudderClient.getInstance(
                // other methods

Additional settings for cloud mode

RudderStack supports OneTrust integration in cloud mode from Android SDK v1.12.0 and above.

You can specify the OneTrust cookie categories when sending events from your Android source in the cloud mode.

  1. Set up your Android source in the RudderStack dashboard.
  2. Connect it to a destination.
  3. In the destination settings, enter the OneTrust category IDs in the Enter consent category IDs field:
OneTrust category IDs in consent settings

You can find the category IDs in your OneTrust dashboard under Preference & Consent Management > Cookie Compliance > Categorizations > Categories.

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