Send Events to HTTP Webhook Destination Beta

Send events to your HTTP webhook endpoint via RudderStack.

This guide demonstrates how RudderStack transforms the event payload according to the specified destination configuration settings before sending it to the HTTP webhook endpoint.


This integration supports sending data only in cloud mode.

RudderStack does not place any constraints on the event format for the requests sent to your configured HTTP webhook endpoint. It transforms the event payload based on your event configuration settings before sending it to the specified webhook endpoint.


This end-to-end example highlights the structure of the sample payload sent to your webhook endpoint.

Configuration settings

This section highlights the HTTP webhook configuration settings specified in the RudderStack dashboard, specifically the Base URL, body format, and the event configuration settings.

Base URL

Request URL settings

  • Path parameters (in sequence):
Path parameter
  • Query parameters:

Headers settings


Request body settings

  • XML Root Key (only applicable for XML body format): root
  • Field mappings:

Event request

The track event request sent from the source connected to this HTTP webhook destination is shown below:

Event payload seen in Live Events

The final event payload as seen in the destination’s Live Events console is shown below:

Request sent to the destination

This section contains the final CURL request sent from RudderStack to the webhook destination:

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