Zoho Configuration Settings

Advanced configuration settings for Zoho destination.

This guide lists the advanced configuration settings to receive the data correctly in Zoho.

Configuration settings

  • Zoho module: Specify the object you selected while setting up the mappings.
  • Add Zoho-defined duplicated check fields as the secondary duplicate check fields: Toggle on this setting to use the field specified in the Choose identifier setting as the primary key for deduplicating records.

By default, Zoho provides a system-defined field to be used as a primary key. However, it also supports setting more than one field as the primary key for checking duplicate records.

  • When you toggle on this setting, Zoho uses the field specified in the Choose identifier setting as the primary key and ignores the system-defined field.
  • When you toggle off this setting, Zoho uses both the system-defined field along with the field specified in Choose identifier as the primary key.
  • Trigger action: Select the Zoho trigger option from the dropdown.

Zoho lets you set multiple trigger options and define which triggers to fire for a particular sync.

  • If you do not want any triggers to fire, choose None.
  • To fire all triggers configured for your account, choose Default.
  • To fire a specific trigger, choose one of workflow, approval, or blueprint as per your requirement.

Field level specification

Any Zoho module has some fields that can store multiple values. Using the Zoho API calls, you can append a value to an existing value in the record or replace it completely.

In this section, select the Zoho Multi Select Picklist Type Fields corresponding to the Zoho module you chose while specifying the mappings. Then, map it to the Multiselect Field Action setting which provides two options - true or false.

  • If you select true, RudderStack appends the new value from the sync to the existing value in the record.
  • If you select false, RudderStack replaces the existing value with the new value.

For example, suppose there is an existing field in Zoho called known_languages that contains the value English. You send the field (known_languages) in a particular sync with a different value German and specify it in the Zoho Multi Select Picklist Type Fields dropdown.

  • If Multiselect Field Action is set to true, Zoho stores both English and German values for the known_languages field.
  • If Multiselect Field Action is set to false, Zoho stores only German as the value for the known_languages field.

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