Install Rudder CLI Alpha

Install the Rudder CLI tool in your preferred environment.
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Rudder CLI is a command-line interface tool designed to interact with RudderStack’s services, facilitating tasks like Git-based configuration, management, and deployment of tracking plans and data catalog. See Git-based Tracking Plan Management for more information on this feature.

This tool is currently under active development and there may be frequent changes and updates to it. Also, backward compatibility is not guaranteed at this stage.

Install Rudder CLI

This section contains the Rudder CLI installation steps for your preferred platform.


You can install the Rudder CLI on macOS devices depending on your chip configuration:


Run the following command to install Rudder CLI in your Linux machine:

curl -L | tar -xz rudder-cli
sudo mv rudder-cli /usr/local/bin/


You can run the Rudder CLI tool directly via Docker by running the following command:

docker run rudderlabs/rudder-cli

If you need to persist your configuration or provide an external configuration file, you can mount your local configuration directory into the container.

Assuming your configuration directory is located at ~/.rudder, you can run the following command:

docker run -v ~/.rudder:/.rudder rudderlabs/rudder-cli

To run commands with the local data catalog files, mount the directory containing your files and use the -l flag, as shown:

docker run -v ~/.rudder:/.rudder -v ~/my-catalog:/catalog rudderlabs/rudder-cli tp apply --dry-run -l /catalog

The above command uses the access token from your local configuration fil and the catalog files from the /catalog directory.

You can also use the RUDDERSTACK_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable to provide the access token, as shown:

docker run -v ~/my-catalog:/catalog -e RUDDERSTACK_ACCESS_TOKEN=your-access-token rudderlabs/rudder-cli tp apply --dry-run -l /catalog

Build Rudder CLI from source

Make sure to have Go installed and set up in your environment before following the steps in this section.

Run the following commands in order:

git clone
cd rudder-iac
make build
sudo mv bin/rudder-cli /usr/local/bin/

The make build command is used to run the build process.

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