
Profiles 0.16.x Changelog

Changelog for Profiles v0.16.x.

Version 0.16.1

6 August 2024

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the concurrency issue where project run was failing because the same ID stitcher model was served as an input source to two models.
  • Resolved the ambiguous column issue by using an alias for selecting main_id in the entity_var.

Version 0.16

1 August 2024
Schema version: 71

What’s New

  • You can now choose between the username-password and key-pair authentication modes while running the pb init connection command for Snowflake.
  • Added support to remove materials based on time in hours and milliseconds. For example, to remove materials older than 3 hours, use pb cleanup materials --retention_time_in_hours 3. To remove materials older than 100 milliseconds, use pb cleanup materials --retention_time_in_ms 100.
  • Schema has been updated from 69 to 71.
  • Edge type preferred has been renamed to coercive. Here’s a sample code:
 - name: example
   model_type: sql_template
     single_sql: |
       select * from {{this.DeRef(test, dependency = "coercive")}}       


  • Changed the casting for timestamp columns for Snowflake, Redshift, and Databricks warehouses to avoid a timestamp with string comparison. CAST(timestamp_column AS TIMESTAMP) < ‘2024-07-28T23:00:00Z’ has been changed to CAST(timestamp_column AS TIMESTAMP) < CAST(‘2024-07-28T23:00:00Z’ AS TIMESTAMP)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the Sequence number conflict found error on BigQuery.
  • Fixed the bug in RudderStack dashboard where entities weren’t showing up, in case no features were defined in the project.
  • Resolved the intermittent timeout waiting for python client to initialize error for projects using pynative models.
  • Fixed the directory not empty error when Profiles tries to clone a git repository.
  • Fixed the issue where the registry entry for materials was not using the same casing due to which the relations were getting created in the warehouse. Now the cleanup is able to delete materials that were skipped earlier due to case mismatch.
  • Fixed the issue where the same hash was calculated for different cohorts, as the filter pipeline wasn’t being considered.
  • Fixed the issue where some procedures on Snowflake and BigQuery were not getting removed after the run.

Known Issues

  • RudderStack does not support accessing input sources in a different project for the BigQuery warehouse.
  • Linux users might see this warning for all command runs - you can ignore it: WARN[0000]log.go:228 gosnowflake.(*defaultLogger).Warn DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS envvar looks to be not set, this can lead to runaway dbus-daemon processes. To avoid this, set envvar DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/bus (if it exists) or DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=/dev/null.
  • Redshift: If two different users create material objects on the same schema, RudderStack gives an error during cleanup when trying to drop views created by the other user, like user_var_table.
  • pb validate access command does not work for BigQuery.
  • pb insert does not work for Redshift, Databricks, and BigQuery.
  • Cross database references can fail on Redshift for a few clusters.
  • If you are referring a public package in the project and get ssh: handshake failed error, then you’ll have to manually remove the entire folder from WhtGitCache to make it work.
  • The code for validity_time is redundant and should be removed.
  • Timegrains is an experimental feature. There might be some undiscovered issues.
  • While creating Activations, validation for Redshift does not work correctly in the RudderStack dashboard.

Questions? Contact us by email or on Slack