

Learn about the Profiles commands and how to use them.

The Profile Builder tool supports specific commands, making executing the usual operations easier. The basic syntax of executing a command is:

$ pb <command> <subcommand> [parameters]

Supported commands

You can use the following Profile Builder commands:


Analyze your ID graphs, for example, count of IDs before and after stitching, distribution of ID counts, etc.

This command also lets you analyze a single cluster by understanding how different IDs get connected to one, by visualizing all IDs and their connections and highlighting the most important IDs that form connections in that group.

See the Profiles Copilot guide for more information.

pb audit id_stitcher

To use this command, make sure to:

  • Run the project successfully at least once so that it produces an ID graph.
  • Install the package profiles-mlcorelib (v0.6.0 or above) in your Python environment (v3.9.0 to v3.11.10) using pip install profiles-mlcorelib. Note that it should be the same Python environment as the profiles-rudderstack library.


Displays and removes materials, older than the retention time period specified by the user (default value is 180 days).

pb cleanup materials -r <number of days>

Optional Parameter

-rRetention time in number of days.

Example: If you pass 1, then all the materials created prior to one day (24 hours) are listed. This is followed by prompts asking you for confirmation, after which you can view the material names and delete them.
--retention_time_in_hoursRetention time in hours.

Example: To remove materials older than 3 hours, use pb cleanup materials --retention_time_in_hours 3. This is followed by prompts asking you for confirmation, after which you can view the material names and delete them.
--retention_time_in_msRetention time in milliseconds.

Example: To remove materials older than 100 milliseconds, use pb cleanup materials --retention_time_in_ms 100. This is followed by prompts asking you for confirmation, after which you can view the material names and delete them.
--src_urlLocation of the PB project used as a filter on SRC_URL while the cleanup runs. Default is your current working directory. Pass * as the value if all source URLs should be considered.
--concurrencyEnables concurrency by defining the number of concurrent workers for clean up. The default value is 1.

Note: This flag is currently supported for Snowflake only.
--expiredEnsures that materials are only deleted if they are truly expired based on the model retention periods and dependency tracking. This is recommended when you are using timegrains.
--remove_latest_view_ptrsAllows forced removal of expired materials from the latest run, if necessary. This flag is useful when you want to remove expired materials even if they belong to the latest run. It is also useful when clearing space but should be used carefully as it can remove materials that recent models still rely on.


Generates SQL queries from models.

pb compile

It creates SQL queries from the models/profiles.yaml file, storing the generated results in the Output subfolder in the project’s folder. With each run, a new folder is created inside it. You can manually execute these SQL files on the warehouse.

Optional parameters

clean_outputEmpties the output folder(s) before executing the command.
-cUses a site configuration file other than the one in .pb directory.

Example: $ pb compile -c MyOtherConnection/siteconfig.yaml
-tDefines target name (mentioned in siteconfig.yaml) or timestamp in building the model.

Example: If your siteconfig.yaml has two targets, dev and test, and you want to use the test instance: $ pb compile -t test
--begin_timeTimestamp to be used as a start time in building model.
--end_timeTimestamp to be used as an end time in building model.
--migrate_on_loadWhether to automatically migrate the project and packages to the latest version. Defaults to false.
--migrated_folder_pathFolder location of the migrated project. Defaults to sub-directory of the project folder.
  • Uses a project file (pb_project.yaml) other than the one in current directory.
    Example: $ pb compile -p MyOtherProject.

  • Fetches project from a URL such as GitHub.
    Example 1:$ pb compile -p<orgname>/<repo>. You can also fetch a specific tag, like $ pb compile -p<orgname>/<repo>/tag/<tag_version>/<folderpath>

  • Compiles project hosted on S3.
    Example: pb compile -p s3://<url>
--rebase_incrementalRebases any incremental models (build afresh from their inputs) instead of starting from a previous run. You can do this every once in a while to address the stale data or migration/cleanup of an input table.
--assume_all_inputs_existDoes not throw error if the specified table/column is absent in the warehouse. It is helpful in debugging issues when you want to compile the materials even if any table or column is absent.
--end_time_offsetAdds an offset to the end timestamp in a human readable format. It means that RudderStack does not use any data you load in the warehouse after the offset time has elapsed for that run. For example, pb run --end_time_offset=45m ensures that RudderStack does not use any data older than 45 minutes from the run’s start time.

Note that you can’t use this new flag with the seq_no or end_time flags.


Discovers elements in the warehouse, such as models, entities, features and sources.

pb discover

It allows you to discover all the registered elements in the warehouse.


Discover all the models, entities, features, sources, and materials in the warehouse.

$ pb discover models
$ pb discover entities
$ pb discover features
$ pb discover sources
$ pb discover materials

Optional parameters

-eDiscovers specific entities with their name.

Example: $ pb discover -e 'Name'
-mDiscovers a specific model.

-cUses a site config other than the default one.

Example: $ pb discover -c siteconfig.yaml
-sDiscovers entities in a specified schema.
-s "*"Discovers entities across all schemas (case-sensitive).
-uDiscovers entities having the specified source URL’s.

Example: To discover all the entities coming from GitHub: $ pb discover -u %github%
-tSelects target (mentioned in siteconfig.yaml).
-pUses project folder other than the one in current directory.

Example: $ pb discover -p ThisFolder/ThatSubFolder/SomeOtherProject/
-fSpecifies a file path to dump the discovery output into a csv file.

Example: $ pb discover -f path/to/csv_file.csv
-kRestricts discovery of the specified model keys.

Example: $ pb discover -k entity_key:mode_type:model_name
--csv_fileSpecify this flag with a file path to dump the discovery output into a csv file.


# Discover all the models
$ pb discover models

# Discover a model with specific name
$ pb discover -m 'RUDDER_WEB_EVENTS.PROD_SCHEMA.feature_profile'

# Discover all features having 'max' in their name
$ pb discover features -u %max%

# Discover all the entities for a specific profile
$ pb discover entities -c siteconfig.yaml

# Discover all materials for target dev
$ pb discover materials -t dev

# Export output of discover command to a CSV file in output folder
$ pb discover -f my-custom-name.csv

# Export all sources to a CSV file in output folder
$ pb discover sources -f my-custom-name.csv


Provides list information for any command.

$ pb help


$ pb help <command_name>

Get usage information for a specific command, with subcommands, and optional parameters.


Creates connection and initializes projects.

pb init


pb init connection

Inputs values for a warehouse connection and then stores it in the siteconfig.yaml file.

pb init pb-project

Generates files in a folder named HelloPbProject with sample data. You can change it as per project information, models, etc.

Optional parameters

pb-project -oCreates a Profile Builder project with a different name by specifying it as an additional parameter.

Example: To create a Profile Builder project with the name SomeOtherProject: $ pb init pb-project -o SomeOtherProject
connection -cCreates siteconfig.yaml at a location other than .pb inside home directory.

Example: To create myconfig.yaml in the current folder: $ pb init connection -c myconfig.yaml.


Allows you to store the test dataset in your (Snowflake) warehouse . It creates the tables sample_rs_demo_identifies and sample_rs_demo_tracks in your warehouse schema specified in the test connection.

# Select the first connection named test having target and output as dev, of type Snowflake.
$ pb insert
# By default it'll pick up connection named test. To use connection named red:
$ pb insert -n red
# To pick up connection named red, with target test .
$ pb insert -n red -t test
This command is supported only for Snowflake currently.


Migrate your project to the latest schema.


pb migrate manual

Based on the current schema version of your project, enlists all the steps needed to migrate it to the latest one.

pb migrate auto 

Automatically migrate from one version to another. To migrate your models, navigate to the folder where your project files are stored and execute one of the following:

  • pb migrate auto --inplace: Replaces contents of existing folder with the migrated folder.
  • pb migrate auto -d <MigratedFolder>: Keeps the original project intact and stores the migrated project in another folder.

Optional parameters

-cUses a siteconfig.yaml file other than the one in your home directory.
-tTarget name (defaults to the one specified in siteconfig.yaml file).
-vVersion to which the project needs to be migrated (defaults to the latest version).
-dDestination folder to store the migrated project files.

Example: pb migrate auto -d FolderName
--forceIgnores warnings (if any) and migrates the project.
--inplaceOverwrites the source folder and stores migrated project files in place of original.

Example: pb migrate auto --inplace
-pUses a project folder other than the one in current directory.

Example: $ pb migrate auto -p ThisFolder/ThatSubFolder/SomeOtherProject/


Creates identity stitcher or feature view model in the warehouse.

pb run

It generates the SQL files from models and executes them in the warehouse. Once executed, you can see the output table names, which are accessible from the warehouse.

Optional parameters

The run command supports:

  • All the parameters of compile command except --assume_all_inputs_exist,
  • And the following ones:
--forceDoes a force run even if the material already exists.
--write_output_csvWrites all the generated tables to CSV files in the specified directory.

Example: $ pb run --write_output_csv WriteOutputHere.csv
--model_argsCustomizes behavior of an individual model by passing configuration params to it.

The only argument type supported currently is breakpoint for feature table models.

The breakpoint parameter lets you generate and run SQL only till a specific feature/tablevar. You can specify it in the format modelName:argType:argName where argName is the name of feature/tablevar.

Example: $ pb run --model_args domain_profile:breakpoint:salesforceEvents
--model_refsRestricts the operation to a specified model. You can specify model references like pb run --model_refs models/<model-name> --seq_no latest
--seq_noSequence number for the run, for example, 0, 1, 2,…, latest/new. The default value is new. You can check run logs or use discover commands to know about existing sequence numbers.
--ignore_model_errorsAllows the project to continue to run in case of an erroneous model. The execution will not stop due to one bad model.
--grep_var_dependenciesUses regex pattern matching over fields from vars to find references to other vars and set dependencies. By default, it is set to true.
--concurrency(Experimental) Lets you run the models concurrently in a warehouse (wherever possible) based on the dependency graph. In CLI, you can specify the concurrency level for running models in a project via pb run --concurrency <int> (default int value is 1).

Note: This flag is currently supported for Snowflake only and the concurrency limit is 20. To increase the limit, see the Snowflake documentation.
--begin_timeTimestamp to be used as a start time in building model.
--end_timeTimestamp to be used as an end time in building model.
--migrate_on_loadWhether to automatically migrate the project and packages to the latest version. Defaults to false.
--migrated_folder_pathFolder location of the migrated project. Defaults to sub-directory of the project folder.
--disable_registry_cacheDisables the feature where the registry is cached by default while running the project material, to reduce the number of warehouse calls. Default value is false.


Obtains a comprehensive overview of models, id_clusters, packages, and more in a project. Its capacity to provide detailed information makes it particularly useful when searching for specific details, like all the models in your project.

$ pb show


pb show models

This command lets you view information about the models in your project. The output includes the following information about each model:

  • Warehouse name: Name of the table/view to be created in the warehouse.
  • Model type: Whether its an identity stitching, feature view, SQL model etc.
  • Output type: Whether the output type is ephemeral, table, or view.
  • Run type: Whether the model’s run type is discrete or incremental.
  • SQL type: Whether the SQL type of the model is single_sql or multi_sql.
pb show models --json

This subcommand saves all model details in a JSON file.

pb show dependencies

This subcommand generates a DAG in a graph file (dependencies.png) highlighting the dependencies of all models in your project.

pb show dataflow

This subcommand generates a DAG in a graph file (dataflow.png) highlighting the data flow of all models in your project.

pb show idstitcher-report --id_stitcher_model models/<ModelName> --migrate_on_load

This subcommand creates a detailed report about the identity stitching model runs. To know the exact model reference to be used, execute the pb show models command.

Note that:

  • By default, this command picks up the last run - you can change this behavior using the flag -l.
  • Use the --seed_clusters_csv flag to pass a CSV file with two columns - id and id_type. The cluster ID can be either rudder_id or other_id. A sample file is shown below:

Note that:

  • Each row specifies an ID to be mapped to a cluster main ID, which is then included in the report.
  • The ID need not be specific - for example, specifying alex returns all the pattern matches containing that name.

The output of the pb show idstitcher-report command consists of:

  • ModelRef: The model reference name.
  • Seq No: Sequence number of the run for which you are creating the report.
  • Material Name: Output name as created in warehouse.
  • Creation Time: Time when the material object was created.
  • Model Converged: Indicates a successful run if true.
  • Pre Stitched IDs before run: Count of all the IDs before stitching.
  • Post Stitched IDs after run: Count of unique IDs after stitching.

Profile Builder also generates a HTML report with relevant results and graphics including largest cluster, ID graph, etc. It is saved in output folder and the exact path is shown on screen when you execute the command.

pb show entity-lookup -v '<trait value>'

This subcommand lists all the features associated with an entity using any of the traits (flag -v) as ID types (email, user id, etc. that you are trying to discover).

Optional parameters

--entity string(Optional) Passes the entity value. (default user).
-hDisplays help information for the command.
-pSpecifies the project path to list the models. If not specified, it uses the project in the current directory.
-cFile location of the siteconfig.yaml (defaults to the one in your home directory).
-tTarget name (defaults to the target specified in siteconfig.yaml file).
--include_disabledLets the disabled models be a part of the generated graph image (applicable to dataflow and dependencies).
--seq_noSpecifies a particular run for an ID stitcher model (applicable for idstitcher-report).
pb show plan

This subcommand shows the detailed information about materials created by a specific run and their corresponding timegrains.

Optional parameters

--show_dependentsShows the list of dependent objects along with dependencies for each material. For example, to view information about a material with seq_no 2 and get information about its dependent objects, use pb show plan --seq_no 2 --show_dependents.
--jsonShows the information in JSON format.


Executes SQL query on the warehouse and prints the output on screen (10 rows by default).

pb query <query>

For example, if you want to print the output of a specific table/view named user_id_stitcher, run the following query:

pb query "select * from user_id_stitcher"

To reference a model with the name user_default_id_stitcher for a previous run with seq_no 26, you can execute:

pb query "select * from {{this.DeRef('path/to/user_default_id_stitcher')}} limit 10" --seq_no=26

Optional parameters:

-fExports output to a CSV file.
-max_rowsMaximum number of rows to be printed (default is 10).
-seq_noSequence number for the run.


Validates aspects of the project and configuration.

$ pb validate

It allows you to run various tests on the project-related configurations and validate those. This includes but is not limited to validating the project configuration, privileges associated with the role specified in the site configuration of the project’s connection, etc.


$ pb validate access

Runs tests on the role specified in the site configuration file and validates if the role has privileges to access all the related objects in the warehouse. It throws an error if the role does not have required privileges to access the input tables or does not have the permissions to write the material output in the output schema.


Shows the Profile Builder’s current version along with its GitHash and native schema version.

pb version

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