
Profiles Optimizations

Learn about the different optimization options in Profiles.

This guide introduces the available optimizations in Profiles and explains how to use them in your Profiles project to enhance execution efficiency.

Optimization options

Profiles provides the following optimizations to reduce the execution time of a pb run:

Input variable table optimization

Instead of copying the entire input table, Profiles automatically identifies and copies only the necessary columns, reducing data transfer and improving performance. PB identifies the necessary columns by parsing the SQL fragments provided in input_vars and entity_vars.

Set enable_input_columns_filtering to true in your optimizations.yaml file to enable this optimization.


If Profiles fails to identify the necessary columns and the run fails, you need to specify the unidentified columns in the input model’s contract - this workaround should help you bypass the run failure. An example is shown below:

- name: rsIdentifies
        is_optional: false 
        is_event_stream: true 
            - users
            - name: missed_column # PB was not able to identify this column, it is added to the contract.
        table: identifies 
        occurred_at_col: timestamp 
            - select: user_id 
            type: user_id 
            entity: users

Efficient main ID column addition

Instead of performing multiple joins between the input variable table and the ID stitcher, a case-based approach is used to add the main ID column. This method is particularly effective for large input tables.

Set main_id_addition_approach to case_based_join in your optimizations.yaml file to enable this optimization.

Input vars bundling

Profiles automatically groups the execution of related input_vars based on their definitions to optimize runtime performance.

Set bundle_input_vars to true in your optimizations.yaml file to enable this optimization.

Entity vars bundling

Similar to input variable bundling, this optimization groups the execution of entity_vars based on their definitions to improve efficiency.

Set bundle_entity_vars to true in your optimizations.yaml file to enable this optimization.

There are two bundling strategies - normal and aggressive, with normal as the default strategy.

  • In the normal strategy, PB groups similar bundles with inter-dependencies and with or without a window together.
  • In the aggressive strategy, PB groups regardless of similarity.

Optimization options summary

The following table summarizes the available optimizations:

OptimizationAllowed valuesDefault value
enable_input_columns_filteringtrue, falsefalse
main_id_addition_approachplain_join, case_based_joinplain_join
bundle_input_varstrue, falsefalse
bundle_entity_varstrue, falsefalse
bundle_entity_vars_strategynormal, aggressivenormal


Specify the optimizations in the optimizations.yaml file.

Example configuration

    main_id_addition_approach: case_based_join
    enable_input_columns_filtering: true
    bundle_entity_vars: true
    bundle_input_vars: true
Make sure to place the optimizations.yaml file in the appropriate configuration directory of your Profiles project (within the models folder). Also, make sure that there is only one optimizations.yaml file in your project.

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