
Consent Management in JavaScript SDK

Configure the various consent management options in JavaScript SDK.

RudderStack’s consent management functionality lets you manage the data sent to your downstream destinations based on user consent.

With this functionality, you can:

  • Seamlessly integrate with popular consent management providers like OneTrust, Ketch, and iubenda. You can also set up a custom consent management provider.
  • Configure consent settings for multiple providers for your web source.
  • Unlock advanced use cases like pre-consent user tracking where you can track user activity and control the SDK’s behavior before and after the user provides their consent.

You can set up your website to implement consent management depending on the following use cases:

Post-consent user tracking

  • This is the most common implementation where you load the JavaScript SDK only after the user has provided consent, which is typically after the consent manager’s SDK has loaded.
  • With this approach, you cannot control the SDK behavior before and after the user provides their consent.
  • See the OneTrust post-consent user tracking setup for a sample implementation.
  • This approach is helpful in cases where you need to track some user activity and control the SDK behavior before and after the user provides their consent.
  • You can choose to track users as fully anonymous, track only their sessions, or track only with anonymousId as the user identifier. This minimizes any data loss related to attribution, acquisition, and the overall user journey.
  • There is no particular restriction on the loading order of the SDKs.
  • See the OneTrust pre-consent user tracking setup for a sample implementation.

The presence of consent management object in the event’s context (context.consentManagement) helps you differentiate between the pre- and post-consent events.

RudderStack does not add any other extra property to differentiate these events.

The preConsent object

You can use the preConsent object while loading the JavaScript SDK to define the SDK’s cookie storage and events delivery behavior in pre-consent mode.

  1. Pass the consent management platform’s information in the consentManagement object as a load API option.
  2. Add the preConsent object, as shown:
rudderanalytics.load(WRITE_KEY, DATA_PLANE_URL, {
  consentManagement: {
    enabled: true,
    provider: "oneTrust" / "ketch" / "custom"
  preConsent: {
    enabled: true // false by default"
    storage: { // Optional
      strategy: "none" / "session" / "anonymousId", // Default is "none"
    events: { // Optional
      delivery: "immediate" / "buffer", // Default is "immediate"
  // Other load options
If you set preConsent.enabled to true, the JavaScript SDK does not load the device mode integrations.

The SDK stores information in the pre-consent mode based on the following cookie storage strategies:

noneFully anonymous tracking where RudderStack does not store any cookies.

For this value, note that:

  • Each event contains a new anonymousId.
  • If automatic session tracking is enabled, each event will contain a new sessionId.
  • The SDK does not persist any data from the previous API calls, that is, userId, groupId, traits, etc. are not included in the future events.
sessionFully anonymous tracking where RudderStack stores only the session tracking cookie (manual or automatic), if it is active.

For this value, note that:

  • Each event contains a new anonymousId.
  • The SDK does not persist any data from the previous API calls, that is, userId, groupId, traits, etc. are not included in the future events.
anonymousIdRudderStack persists only the anonymous ID (anonymousId).

For this value, note that:

  • If automatic session tracking is enabled, each event will contain a new sessionId.
  • The SDK does not persist any data from the previous API calls, that is, userId, groupId, traits, etc. are not included in the future events.

Events delivery strategy

As the SDK does not load any device mode destinations in pre-consent mode, you can control the events delivery strategy for the cloud mode destinations only.

The SDK delivers events in the pre-consent mode based on the following values:

immediateRudderStack sends the events to the RudderStack backend (data plane) immediately as they occur.
bufferThis option is applicable only if the cookie storage strategy is set to none or session. The SDK buffers the events in the local storage. You can use the consent API to decide what to do with these buffered events.

The SDK decides the delivery for preload events (events instrumented to the SDK before it is loaded), ad-blocked page view events, and Query string API events, based on the above options (immediate/buffer) set in the pre-consent mode.

You can invoke the JavaScript SDK’s consent API once the user consent is available. The SDK then comes out of the pre-consent mode and resumes normal functioning.

A sample implementation for a custom provider is shown below:

<script type = "text/javascript">
  // consent provider callback
  function ConsentManagerWrapper() { /// Pseudo name
    if (window.isConsented()) { // Pseudo name

      // Pass the allowed and denied category IDs for custom setup
        options: {
          trackConsent: true / false, // Optional; default is false
          consentManagement: {
            allowedConsentIds: ['<category_id_1>','<category_id_2>',.....], // Required for Custom provider
            deniedConsentIds: ['<category_id_3>','<category_id_4>',.....]
          }, // Required for Custom provider
          storage: {
            type: "cookieStorage", // Other supported values are "localStorage","sessionStorage", "memoryStorage", and "none"
            entries: {
              userId: {
                type: "localStorage" // Other supported values are "cookieStorage","sessionStorage", "memoryStorage", and "none"
              userTraits: {
                type: "cookieStorage" // Other supported values are "localStorage","sessionStorage", "memoryStorage", and "none"
              sessionInfo: {
                type: "cookieStorage" // Other supported values are "localStorage","sessionStorage", "memoryStorage", and "none"
          }, // Optional
          integrations: IntegrationOpts, // Optional
          discardPreConsentEvents: true / false, // Optional; default is false
          sendPageEvent: true / false // Optional, default is false

The consent API options are listed below:

trackConsentBooleanDetermines if the SDK should send a track event with the name Consent Management Interaction.

Default value: false
consentManagementObjectLets you pass the user consent data in case of a custom consent management provider. The SDK requires the allowedConsentIds and deniedConsentIds fields in case of a Custom consent provider.
storageObjectLets you configure the different storage-specific options like:

  • storage.type: Specify where the persisted data should be stored.
  • storage.entries: Lets you define storage for specific type of persisted user data.
integrationsObjectInstructs the SDK to filter the integrations before the consent filtering takes effect.
discardPreConsentEventsBooleanDetermines if the SDK should discard all the pre-consent events buffered previously.

Default value: false
sendPageEventBooleanDetermines if the SDK should send a page event.

Default value: false

The SDK does the following once you invoke the consent API:

  • Loads the device mode integrations based on consent.
  • Fetches the consent information from the consent manager.
  • Stores persistent user information like userId, anonymousId, traits, etc. according to the specified storage option.
  • Discards or replays the buffered pre-consent events to the destinations based on the discardPreconsentEvents parameter.

The SDK also sends any events received after the user gives consent to the destinations immediately.

Set different pre-consent and post-consent tracking storage options

You can configure different storage options for pre-consent and post-consent user tracking that let you:

  • Ensure data is stored appropriately based on the consent status and reduce unnecessary data collection.
  • Maintain seamless user experience while respecting users’ privacy preferences.

The following steps demonstrate how you can set different storage options for pre-consent and post-consent user tracking:

  1. Configure the storage options while loading the JavaScript SDK.
  2. Set preConsent.enabled to true. You can also define the SDK’s cookie storage and events delivery strategy here.
rudderanalytics.load(WRITE_KEY, DATA_PLANE_URL, {
    storage: {
        encryption: {
            version: "v3" / "legacy"
        type: "cookieStorage", // Other available options are "localStorage", "sessionStorage", "memoryStorage", and "none".
        // Other storage options
  consentManagement: {
    enabled: true,
    provider: "oneTrust" / "ketch" / "custom" // Specify your consent management provider
  preConsent: {
    enabled: true,
    storage: { // Optional; defines SDK's cookie storage strategy
      strategy: "session" // Optional; other accepted values are "none", "session"
    events: { // Optional; defines SDK's events delivery behavior
      delivery: "buffer" // Optional; other accepted value is "immediate"
  // Other load options
  1. Invoke the consent API after the user provides consent. You can also define the SDK’s post-consent storage options here.
  trackConsent: true,
  discardPreConsentEvents: true, // Optional; default value is false
  storage: {
    type: "localStorage" // Other available options are "cookieStorage", "sessionStorage", "memoryStorage", and "none".

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