RudderStack Product News Vol. #008 - UI Refresh and New Integrations

This week we cover several exciting new updates to the UI and multiple new destinations & integration enhancements.
Our live debuggers for sources and destinations haven't changed visually in a very long time and our users have given us a significant amount of feedback on how to improve usability. We're excited to announce a completely refreshed live debugger interface, along with a few other major improvements in other parts of the app.
As always, our integrations team has maintained an incredible pace in adding and updating destinations. This week we feature a destination contributed via open-source, as well as new or updated product, advertising, analytics, customer success, and data infrastructure destinations.
Let's dive in.
UI Updates: Live Debuggers and Source Views
Live Debugger Refresh
Our previous live debugger interface felt cramped and made it hard to access important information like error codes. It also lacked search functionality. In the new interface, we've given you a full-screen view to include as much information as possible and put error codes front-and-center to make debugging faster.
Here's a screenshot of the source view with search. More info on the destinations debugger below. (Log in or sign up to see the updates for yourself.)

While the source debugger shows you incoming data from a single source, the destination debugger has a bit more going on because destinations often receive data from multiple sources.
In this UI refresh, we've added multiple features that make it much easier to track down exactly what's happening:
- Search allows you to quickly find various types of events
- Source selection allows you to view event delivery by source
- Status tabs allow you to see both successful deliveries as well as failures, or everything together

Sources View Refresh
While we were working on the live debuggers, we went ahead and updated the sources view.
This update gives you easy access to our docs, keeps you on the same page to edit settings, and, for enterprise users, gives you access to audit logs, all in the same screen. Plus, the refined design just looks way better :)
Log in or sign up to see the updates for yourself.

Integrations Updates - New Product, Advertising, Analytics, Customer Success, and Data Infrastructure Updates
Featured Open-Source Destination Contribution
One of the perks of being open-source is that you get cutting-edge contributions from the OSS community. This past week the team at Variance submitted a PR for their destination and our team reviewed and merged it. Variance is a customer growth platform that lets you operationalize your product, marketing, and sales data and get in-depth insights into your customers’ product journey. Learn more about this integration in our docs.
Product Destinations
We added Gainsight PX as a destination. Gainsight PX is tool companies use to understand and optimize user onboarding flows and product experiences. Learn more in the docs.
Advertising Destinations
We added support for the LinkedIn Insights Tag. With this, advertisers marketing to audiences on LinkedIn can automatically include the Insights Tag via the JavaScript SDK to get deeper insights into their website audience and better optimize LinkedIn campaigns. Learn more in the docs.
Analytics Destinations
We added device mode support for our destination. When you add as a device-mode destination, we will package their native script into the RudderStack SDK and send events directly to Heap natively. Remember, though, you can't use Transformations on device-mode destinations. Learn more in the docs.
We added Adobe Analytics as a destination. Note that we currently only support device mode. One of the key features of this integration is support for Adobe Analytics heartbeat events for collecting video playback metrics (via the RudderStack video spec). Learn more in the docs.
Customer Success Destinations
We updated our Kustomer integration to add support for Kustomer transformations. Once you enable this option in the RudderStack Kustomer destination settings, RudderStack will automatically handle all the payload-related restrictions and update the source event payload per the required Kustomer event spec. Learn more in the docs.
Data Infrastructure Destinations
We added SASL authentication support for our Apache Kafka destination. This update gives you the option of adding another layer of security while configuring your Apache Kafka broker. Learn more in the docs.
Other Happenings at RudderStack
From the archives: our team wrote a great post on churn prediction using BigQuery ML. It's over a year old, but still a very relevant guide for getting started with BigQuery ML.
Podcast: Eric and Kostas from our team chatted with an early data scientist at Shipt who solved really interesting problems around predicting out of stock items. Listen to the interview here.
Technical session: Not to worry if you missed our session on Future-proof User Analytics Tables With dbt and RudderStack Schemas - check it out on-demand and learn how you can easily manage dynamic schemas at scale.
Sign Up for Free and Start Sending Data
Test out our event stream, ELT, and reverse-ETL pipelines. Use our HTTP source to send data in less than 5 minutes, or install one of our 12 SDKs in your website or app. Get started.
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